Wednesday 13 June 2012

Forth Valley Open Studios

Welcome to the Forth Valley Open Studios 2012

This week I have been open to the public, showing all my paintings and prints. It has been really interesting to meet the general public and get their feedback as well as other artists.

What has been so helpful is the comments and reaction of a wide selection of people and so this is a reflective criticism of how I feel so far this week.

I am very aware of the difference of showing work to the public and the work done through the OCA. As a student I am pushing myself, trying different media and getting criticism from my peers and tutor. My mind is on expanding and thinking far more on what is required, meeting deadlines and trying to figure out out what the instructions are about.
Drawing and getting either detail or texture is not what is shown to the public and so I am feeling quite split in two.
There is definitely a difference in my old way of painting and what I am trying to understand through the OCA. It is still early days with the course and so I am not sure how to articulate what it is yet.

The people who have seen my work this week have been to many other artists across Scotland and so I am compared to them. Also, the other artists have been here, we are all trying to visit each other, and so I am trying to see where I fit.

Most people have commented on the energy, colour and movement in my paintings. The combination of musicians, seeing my harps and instruments has intrigued most people. They see the connection and like the fact that to paint musicians, it is almost necessary to play.
Like writing, it helps to do what you know most about. Everyone comments of how the musician paintings show the intense connection with the instruments.
Also, the still life paintings and seascapes are a reflection of the things I love most. People mention that they can see how much I am drawn to these things in the paintings.

It has taken quite a few weeks to get everything together and now I can't wait to get back to drawing fruit and vegetables. The peace and quiet of my studio is going to be welcome relief as it the next exercise is constructed.

All this has made me see more the value of the OCA course and also to remind me not to lose what works for me. I want to change through the OCA work and hope to combine all elements.

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