The natural objects were, for me, the most difficult and I would like to work more on texture and how to incorporate it into the structure of objects.
I also find that my drawings are stiff and too contrived and would love to have more fluency and life about them. There is little spontaneity about them.
Possibly, in time, with a lot more experimenting and inventiveness, I might loosen up more. I feel that the mark making is really important for me, and using different media. It is all very new and it will probably take months to get used to.
I considered asking for an extension for the deadline but then thought that I could put it off for ever and had to send where I am now rather than where I want to be.
It was difficult to decide which natural objects drawing to put in for the final assignment. I prefer the still life without the pineapple as it seems to be more spontaneous but in the end my decision was based on the effort in trying to put it all together which shows more of the struggle.
The two drawings both lack drama. They both look rather insipid and colourless and that might be to do with the choice of objects or it could be my caution in drawing.
I think the composition works but it is still rather academic rather than emotional.
On the whole, I think I have a long way to go before producing anything with real content.
Beautiful tones Sarah, particularly so in your drawing of made objects. So sensitive.