Thursday 2 August 2012


After spending time thinking about researching other artists, I realised that my knowledge of history, (of anything) was minimal. I know about the history of music and musicians and a little about the history of costume. ( early years spent doing theatre and costume design)

I found that when I research an artist, I have no idea of their place in history because there is nothing to pin it on. Dates are meaningless to me, just numbers.
So, I decided to investigate doing timelines and found an app on the internet, downloaded it and started with putting in musicians for the last 200 years. Then I looked up artists, found who was around at the same time as Prokoviev and Shostakovitch and discovered it was Picasso. Richard Strauss was around the same time as the impressionists and so began a long investigation into the history of artists and musicians.
Getting the hang of this, I then started another timeline of the Kings and Queens of Britain.

For the first time in my life, I am connecting events in history with artists/musicians. Because it is visual and I can see all in a line, it makes more sense than remembering dates. ( which I have never done.)

This is going to be a long, learning session and will continue in various forms but it is the start of getting better at research into artists.

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